Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sleeping Beauty / Bella Durmiente

Lili is always full of energy, but when she is tired she can fall asleep anywhere. She was just watching some cartoons while I was getting ready to go to the supermarket and I was taking her with me. She was already in her pajamas because it was close to her bed time. When I came back in to the living room this is how I found her. So I took her to her bed and went shopping by myself. Of course Mac stayed home with the kids. And since John was asleep too he took advantage to do some school work. Isn't it nice when everything works out that well especially when you don't plan it?

Lili siempre tiene mucha energia, pero cuando esta cansada se puede quedar dormida en cualquier lugar. Ella estaba mirando unos dibujitos mientras yo me alistaba para ir al supermercado y la hiba a llevar conmigo. Ella ya tenia sus pijamas puestos porque ya era denoche. Cuando volvi al living asi es como la encontre asi que la agarre y la lleve a su cama y fui de compras sola. Por supuesto Mac se quedo en casa con los chicos. Y como John estaba durmiendo tambien aprovecho para hacer tarea de la escuela. No es increible cuando las cosas salen bien aun cuando uno no las planea?

1 comment:

Carly said...

These photos are hilarious! Love 'em and love little Lili. Glad you got to go on an outing by yourself ha, ha.