Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Burnt Hand / Mano Quemada

Last Wednesday, October 22, Lili burned her right hand with the iron. She literally ironed her hand. Mac took her to the emergency room because we didn't know how bad it was. There they said it was a 2nd degree burn. They gave us some antibiotic cream to put on her hand and told us to wrap it and re-wrap it twice a day. They also gave us some pain medication to give to her just in case, but we haven't had to give her any. She is a tough little girl. She is doing great and never complains about her hand. In the hospital they said that after her hand is back to normal, her skin might look different where she got burnt and maybe a different color but that there won't be any scarring. Anyway the most important thing is that she is ok. I'm sure she learned that irons are not to play with and that when mommy says No she means No. I also learned that just because a kid has never been interested in something before, it doesn't mean that they will never be interested in trying it at some time. So next time I won't leave the iron by itself again even if it is only for literally 1 second. We love you Lili and you scared us for a minute. Here are some pictures.

El miercoles pasado, 22 de Octubre, Lili se quemo la mano derecha con la plancha. Ella se plancho la mano. Mac la llevo a la sala de emergencias porque no sabiamos cuan grave era. Ahi nos dijeron que era una quemadura de 2do grado. Nos dieron una crema que tiene antibiotico para ponerle y nos dijeron que le cubramos la mano y que le cambiaramos las gasas 2 veces al dia. Tambien nos dieron un remedio para el dolor para Lili por si le dolia pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido que darselo. Ella es bastante fuerte. Lili esta bien y nunca se queja de su mano. En el hospital nos dijeron que una vez que su mano este denuevo bien puede ser que la piel se vea un poco diferente y aun diferente color pero no va a haber ninguna sicatris. Pero bueno lo mas importante es que ella esta bien. Estoy segura que aprendio una leccion y eso es que las planchas no son para jugars y que cuando mami dice No es No. Yo tambien aprendi una leccion de que porque un chico nunca ha tenido interes en algo antes, no significa que nunca vallan a tener interes en algun momento. Asi que la proxima vez no voy a dejar la plancha solaasi sea por 1 segundo. Te amamos Lili y por un segundo nos diste un flor de susto. Aqui hay algunas fotos

At home after the hospital

Next day
3rd day
6th Day


Nikki said...

I'm so sorry about Lili's hand! That looks like it really hurts. I'm surprised we've never been to the emergency room with Christian. He's always falling down and bumping his head so hard. Anyway, its so good to see what's going on with you guys. Samuel is growing up so big. He looks like Mac I think. At least the eyes...
Take care you guys!!

Victoria Blanchard said...

How awful looking!I feel so bad for Lili! I love all of your updates! The Halloween pictures were so great! Lili looked beautiful, John looked huge, and I can't believe how cute Samuel is!

Anonymous said...

Freak!!!! This makes me want to cry for Lili. I am glad you guys took her to the hospital. It looks like it is healing nicely. Samuel is darling thanks so much for sharing the pictures. I miss you all so much. Keep up the posts!!!! It is our connection!
Love mom

Belkycita said...

Pobrecita la nena.
Espero que se sienta mejor pronto y que susto para ti.

Sidra said...

EEEWWW! That looks horrible. Poor Lili! Thanks for the long talk the other day. I miss talking to you or seeing you every day. I am still in Priscila withdrawals. Tell the kids that my kids miss them, too. Meili gets teary-eyed every time I mention Lili and John.