Sunday, October 26, 2008

Smiles / Sonrisas

This is Sam at one week from turning 5 months old. He is so cute and so smiley. I love this little guy so much. Believe it or not today he got on his knees and elbows while he was playing on the floor. He reminds me of Lili when she was a baby. I think he is going to start walking early like his big sister. John was more laid-back and took his time for everything. Just some info about Sam: I took him to his 4 months old check up appointment and he weighed 11 lb 14 oz. They told me to start him on cereal now. So we have tried rice cereal and oatmeal and he doesn't mind eating them. The first time I gave it to him he ate it like he's been eating it since he was born. I was really surprised and really happy at the same time. I can't complain. Isn't he cute?

Este es Sam a una semana de cumplir 5 meses. Es tan lindo y re simpatico. Lo amo tanto. Aunque no lo crean hoy se paro sobre sus rodillas y sus codos mientras estaba jugando en el suelo. El me hace acordar mucho a Lili cuando ella era un bebe. Me parece que el va a caminar temprano tambien como Lili. John era mas vago y se tomaba su tiempo para todo. Para darles un poco de informacion acerca de Sam, lo lleve al medico para su turno de los 4 meses y estaba pesando 5 kilos y algo. Me dijeron que ya podia empezar a darle cereal de bebe. Asi que le dimos cereal de arroz y avena y la verdad es que le gusto. La primera vez que se lo di, comio como si lo hubiera comido desde que nacio. Yo estaba bastante sorprendida y muy feliz al mismo tiempo. La verdad es que no me puedo quejar. No es hermoso?


Unknown said...

He is adorable - I think he looks a lot like John did when he was a baby (except blue eyes!), but maybe that's because I never saw Lili that little.

Carly said...

Oh my gosh, that last picture looks like one of Mac's baby pictures - don't you think?