Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Tree / Arbol de Navidad

Today we got our Christmas tree. Let me tell you that it SMELLS REALLY GOOD!!!! It is 8 feet tall. It was actually 9 feet tall but we had to cut a foot off because it was too tall for our place. It was really cold outside. Here are some pictures.
Hoy compramos el arbol de Navidad. Dejenme decirles que HUELE RE BIEN!!!!. Mide 8 pies. En realidad media 9 pies pero tuvimos que cortar 1 pie porque era demasiado alto para nuestro departamento. Hacia mucho frio afuera. Aqui hay algunas fotos.

The kids on our way to get our tree.

Los chicos en camino a comprar el arbolito.
After we bought the tree.
Despues de que compramos el arbolito.

At home and the tree is ready to get decorated. I'll post pictures after it is decorated.
En casa y el arbol esta listo para ser decorado. Pondre mas fotos cuando este decorado.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful tree. I can't wait to see your picures of it all decorated. Where did you find it? The kids look all cozy. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow. I am ready. It just seems more like Christmas with snow. Love and miss you guys.