Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Hot Day / Un Dia Caluroso

Today John and Lili played outside with Meili and Sophi in their pool while Sidra and I sat down under the shade and talked about how uncomfortable we feel being big and pregnant. The kids had a great time playing in the water and eating some grapes. John didn't like the pool that much but he liked playing with the hose. I sure will miss spending time with the Morrises after we move. We love you guys and we are so happy we live next to each other.

Hoy John y Lili jugaron afuera con Meili y Sophi en la pileta mientras que Sidra y yo nos sentamos en la sombra quejandonos de lo incomodas que nos sentimos estando tan grandes del embarazo. Los chicos se divirtieron mucho jugando y comiendo uvas. A John no le gusto la pileta mucho pero le encanto jugar con la manguera. De seguro voy a extrañar el pasar tiempo con los Morris despues de que nos mudamos. Los amamos y estamos re felices de vivir al lado de ustedes.

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