Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter / Pascua

These are some pictures we took at Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's house for Easter (Saturday). Mac is not in the pictures because he is the one taking them. The other picture is of me at 29 weeks. On Saturday we had a brunch and then the kids had an easter hunt. It was really fun especially because there was still a lot of snow outside and Colleen hid the eggs in the snow. On Sunday it was nice and quiet. Colleen, Mac, Lili, John and I were the only ones there. But we had a really good Sunday dinner and a good time.

Estas son fotos que sacamos en la casa de los abuelos Wilson para Pascua (sabado). Mac no esta en las fotos porque el estaba sacando las fotos. Esta soy yo de 29 semanas. El sabado tuvimos un desayuno/almuerzo y despues los chicos tuvieron una busqueda de huevos. Fue bastante divertido ya que todavia habia mucha nieve y Colleen escondio los huevos en la nieve. El domingo fue bueno y tranquilo. Colleen, Mac, Lili, John y yo eramos los unicos en la casa pero tuvimos una rica cena y la pasamos muy bien.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is May 22nd and I can see you are catching up on your posts. Easter was fun. I wish you had some pictures from the Easter Egg hunt. It was unusually "white". I love it when you guys come up. I miss those kids. I don't know what I am going to do when you go to Rutgers. Love mom