Friday, May 2, 2008

Nikki and Emily

Nikki and Emily came over to our house for dinner today after Women's Conference at BYU. We had some tacos and some strawberries dipped in chocolate. We had a great time. I love the picture of John eating a strawberry and saying cheese. Thanks Nikki and Emily for coming over it was really fun having you over.

Nikki y Emily vinieron hoy a casa a comer despues de la conferencia de mujeres en BYU. Comimos unos tacos y de postre unas frutillas baƱaas en chocolate. La pasamos re bien. Me encanta la foto de John comiendo una frutilla y diciendo cheese. Gracias Nikki y Emily por venir. Fue re lindo tenerlas en casa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures. It is fun seeing siblings visit. I love you guys!! Love, mom