Saturday, June 14, 2008

Samuel's Blessing / Bendicion De Samuel

Today we had Samuel's blessing at the church in the Relief Society Room. The reason why we did it today (Saturday) is because tomorrow is Father's Day and even though we would have loved to do it tomorrow, we knew that a lot of people wouldn't be able to make it and since my mom is leaving the 19th we wanted to do it before she left. It was beautiful and almost everyone came for the event. After the blessing we had some refreshments of which my mom, and my in-laws helped to prepare. Thank you very much!!! I made the cake myself. Here are some pics from the blessing. Enjoy them.

Samuel, we love you so much and we are so happy you are in our family.

Hoy tuvimos la bendicion de Samuel en la capilla en la sala de la Sociedad de Socorro. La razon porque la hicimos hoy (sabado) es porque mañana es el Dia del Padre y aunque nos hubiera encantado hacerla mañana, sabiamos que muchos no iban a poder venir y como mi mama se va el 19, quisimos hacerla antes de que ella se fuera. Fue muy linda la bendicion y casi todos pudieron venir para la ocacion tan especial. Despues de la bendicion tuvimos un refrigerio que mi mama y la familia de Mac ayudaron a preparar. Muchisimas gracias!! La torta la hice yo. Aqui hay algunas fotos de la bendicion. Disfrutenla.

Samuel te amamos mucho y estamos tan felices de tenerte en nuestra familia.

1 comment:

Victoria Blanchard said...

I wish we could have been there! It looks like it was wonderful!