Sunday, June 22, 2008

Temple / Templo

Today we went for a walk to the temple in Provo. We sure are going to miss having a temple so close when we move to New Jersey. We had a nice walk even though we should have waited a little bit longer until it was later in the day to go because it was really hot. Anyway, here are some pictures that Mac took. Aren't they beautiful?

Hoy fuimos a caminar por los jardines del templo de Provo. Realmente vamos a extrañar tener un templo tan cerca cuando nos mudamos a New Jersey. Tuvimos una linda caminata aunque tendriamos que haber esperado hasta que fuera mas tarde porque hacia mucho calor. Pero bueno, aqui hay algunas fotos que Mac saco. No son hermosas?


Steven said...

Those are beautiful pictures. When are you going to New Jersey? Did Mac get into a program there? Post, post!

Unknown said...

Sorry, that last comment was mine - I was logged in as Steven :)

shaunie said...

You all look great together in all the pictures! It won't be too long before you're headed off to New Jersey, the time goes by so fast. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Provo.

Belkycita said...

Estan bellisimas las fotos. Siempre me sorprendes, un dia no hay nada nuevo y al otro dia hay un monton the fotos. Aunque no me he parado de reir con la Coca Cola!

Krista Cook said...

Hi! These pictures take me back a few years when we worked together at the Provo Temple.
