Sunday, June 1, 2008

Samuel Batista Wilson

Samuel Batista Wilson was born today, June 1st, at 3:00 pm on the dot. He weighed 6 LB 14 oz and is 19 1/2 in. long. Even though it seems like he is not very big, he is so far our biggest baby. He was taken to the NICU right after he was born because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was pale. Everything is fine now and he is such a cutie. We are so happy to have him with us. Lili is really excited but I think that John doesn't get it yet.
Let me explain where his name comes from. Samuel is a name in both of our families. It was the name of my paternal great greatgrandfather (my dad's mother's paternal grandfather: Samuel Salewzki) and it was the middle name of Mac's maternal grandfather, Clarence Samuel Ferrin, the name of his maternal grandfather's father [Mac's greatgrandfather: Samuel S Ferrin], the middle name of that greatgrandfather's father [Mac's great greatgrandfather: Jacob Samuel Ferrin] and the name of that great greatgrandfather's father [Mac's great great greatgrandfather: Samuel Ferrin]. And Batista is the middle name of my maternal grandpa, Primo Batista Gandola, and we just wanted to honor him.
Here are some pictures from today. I'll put more up tomorrow.
Welcome to this world Samuel!!!! We love you!!!!!!!

Samuel Batista Wilson nacio hoy, 1 de Junio, a las 3:00 en punto de la tarde. Peso 3 kilos 122 gramos y mide 49.53 centimetros. El es nuestro bebe mas grande hasta ahora. Inmediatamente despues de que nacio lo llevaron a la terapia intensiva de bebes porque su cordon estaba enroscado alrededor de su cuello y el estaba palido. Todo esta bien ahora y el es hermoso. Estamos re felices de tenerlo con nosotros. Lili esta re contenta y John todavia no entiende nada.

Dejenme decirles de donde viene su nombre. Samuel es un nombre por parte de los dos lados de nuestra familia. Samuel Salewzki era mi tatarabuelo de parte de mi papa (el abuelo paterno de mi abuela paterna). De parte de la familia de Mac, el nombre Samuel forma parte de los nombres de su abuelo materno, Clarence Samuel Ferrin, de su bisabuelo, Samuel S Ferrin, de su tatarabuelo, Jacob Samuel Ferrin, y de su tataratatarabuelo (el bisabuelo del abuelo de Mac), Samuel Ferrin. Batista es el segundo nombre de mi abuelo materno (el papa de mi mama) y quisimos darle el honor de que su bisnieto se llamara como el.
Aqui hay algunas fotos. Voy a poner mas mañana.
Bienvenido a este mundo Samuel!!!! Te amamos!!!!


shaunie said...

Hey! You have the same doctor I do! I love her to pieces! Glad all went smoothly. Your hair is so cute by the way.

Jill Rogers said...

YAY! CONGRATS! How was the delivery? He seems so small compared to my tanker- Heaven bless me with smaller babies...

PLEASE let me know if you need ANYTHING!

Anonymous said...
