Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hello Family / Hola Familia

This is at the Argentine airport when we got there. The pictures are not the best but I still wanted to post them because they are really important to me. And yes I cried when I saw everyone. It is really nice seeing my family again. I love my family.

Esto es en el aeropuerto de Argentina cuando llegamos. Las fotos no salieron muy bien pero igualmente queria ponerlas porque son muy importantes para mi. Y si, llore cuando los vi a todos. Es re lindo volver a ver a mi familia. Amo a mi familia.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Getting to Argentina / LLendo a Argentina

For those who don't know, me and the kids are in Argentina. Mac will be joining us later in December after school is over. We will be here until middle of January. The kids did really well in both flights from Newark to Atlanta and from Atlanta to Buenos Aires. During the first flight I kept them entertained with some new toys. I didn't want them to sleep so that they would sleep in the next flight. The second flight they slept the entire time. I was the one who didn't sleep, because I had Lili and John sleeping all over me. I was really uncomfortable but I was willing to stay like that as long as the kids would continue to sleep. Here are some pictures of our flights to get to Argentina

Para aquellos que no saben, los chicos y yo estamos en Argentina. Mac estara viniendo en Diciembre cuando terminan las clases. Estaremos aqui hasta mediados de Enero. Los chicos se portaron re bien durante los dos vuelos de Newark a Atlanta y de Atlanta a Buenos Aires. Durante el primer vuelo los mantuve entretenidos con algunos juguetes nuevos porque no queria que se durmieran asi me dormian en el proximo vuelo. En el segundo vuelo, durmieron durante todo el vuelo. Yo soy la unica que no dormi porque tenia a Lili y John ensima mio. Estaba re incomoda pero estaba dispuesta a estar asi siempre y cuando los chicos sigan durmiendo. Aqui hay algunas fotos de los vuelos.

From Newark to Atlanta

From Atlanta to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Here / Estoy Aqui

I'm still alive. Good night.
Todavia estoy viva. Buenas noches.