Tuesday, July 31, 2007


As many of you know my cousin Nelson Zivic got accepted to the MBA program at BYU. Today we went to get him and his family at the airport. He came with his wife Lorena and his children Melanie (6) and Axel (3). I was so happy to see them again. I can't believe that now I have some family from my side living so close!

Como muchos de ustedes saben mi primo Nelson Zivic fue aceptado al programa de MBA de BYU. Hoy fuimos a buscar a el y su familia al aeropuerto. El vino con su esposa Lorena y sus hijos Melanie (6) y Axel (3). Me puse re feliz de verlos de nuevo. No lo puedo creer que ahora tengo familia de mi parte viviendo tan cerca!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Doctor's visit/Visita al medico

Today we had John's 6-month appointment. He is 15 Lb 8 oz (16%) and 27.4 in long (79%). I can't believe how fast he is growing. Lili was 15 Lb when she was a year old. He is so cute and we love him very much. Lili also loves her little brother and she always makes him laugh.

Hoy tuvimos el turno de John de los 6 meses. John pesa 7.17 Kilos (16%) y mide 69.60 centimetros (79%). No lo puedo creer lo rapido que esta creciendo. Lili pesaba 7 kilos cuando tenia un año. John es tan lindo y lo amamos un monton. Lili tambien ama a su hermanito y siempre lo hace reir.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Birthday party/Fiesta de cumpleaños

Today we celebrated Carly and Emma's birthday. Nate, Carly's husband, grilled some yummy shish kebabs They were really good!! Happy birthday Carly and Happy birthday Emma. I love you both very much. Thanks Mac for taking pictures.

Hoy festejamos el cumpleaños de Carly y Emma. Nate, el esposo de Carly, cocino unas brochetas a la parrilla y estaban buenisimas!! Feliz cumpleaños Carly y Feliz cumpleanos Emma. Las amo mucho a las dos. Gracias Mac por las fotos.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sleeping John/El John durmiente

Something funny happened today. I was in the living room and John was in the kitchen playing in the Exersaucer. At one point I tought he was too quiet so I went to check on him and this is the way I found him. He was sleeping so I had Mac take a picture of him.

Algo gracioso paso hoy. Yo estaba en el living de mi casa y John estaba en la cocina jugando en su Exersaucer. En un momento pense que el estaba demasiado callado asi que fui a verlo y asi es como lo encontre. Estaba dormido asi que le pedi a Mac que sacara unas fotos de el.

6 months/6 meses

John is 6 months old today. He is getting big and is such a good baby. I love him so much. I have his 6 months appointment on Monday so we'll see how big he is.

Hoy John cumple 6 meses. Esta re grande y es un bebe re bueno. Lo amo un monton. El lunes tengo su turno con el medico por los 6 meses asi que veremos como ha crecido.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Together again/Juntos denuevo

Mac is back home!!! Yeah!! Today he got back from Argentina after being down there for 6 weeks. He went to Argentina for a seminar for school and also to do some research for his thesis. Yesterday night I couldn't go to sleep because I was so anxious for him to get back. Today Lili, John and I went to pick him up to the airport. Lili ran to him when she saw him. She gave him a big hug and didn't want to let go. When he wanted to hold John she wouldn't let him. We love you Mac and we are so happy to have you back home. We missed you so much!!!

Regreso Mac!!! Si!!! Hoy Mac volvio de Argentina despues de haber estado alli por 6 semanas. El fue a Argentina por un seminario de la universidad y tambien para hacer unas investigaciones para su tesis. Ayer a la noche no podia dormir porque estaba tan ansiosa para que llegara Mac. Hoy Lili, John y yo fuimos a buscarlo al aeropuerto. Lili corrio hacia el cuando lo vio, le dio una gran abrazo y no lo queria soltar. Cuando Mac quiso agarrar a John, ella no lo dejaba. Te amamos Mac y estamos re felices de que volviste. Te extranamos un monton!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Today we went to the Pioneer Day's Parade in Ogden. Lili really liked it except when I got frustrated with her a couple of time because she was trying to open a backpack that belonged to the people that were seating in front of us. I think John was just enjoying being outside.

Hoy fuimos al desfile del dia de los pioneros en Ogden. A Lili le encanto exepto cuando me enoje con ella un par de veces porque queria abrir la mochila de la gente que estaba sentada enfrente de nosotros. Me parece que John estaba disfrutando el solo hecho de estar afuera.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Today I gave John rice cereal for the first time. At first he didn't know what to do with the food in his mouth but after a couple of spoons he figured it out and loved it. He is so cute. I just love him so much.

Hoy le di cereal de arroz a John por primera vez. Al principio no sabia que hacer con la comida en su boca pero despues de un par de cucharaditas se dio cuenta y le encanto. John es hermoso. Lo amo un monton.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Brain not working/Cerebro no funcionando

This morning while I was changing Lili she kept saying John, John, John. I didn't know why she was saying John's name. When I was about to put her pants on I realized that I put her on John's clothes. That is why she kept saying John. I started to laugh so hard. I couldn't believe it. I feel like my brain is dying since I became a mom (he, he, he). Here is a picture.

Esta manana mientras estaba cambiando a Lili, Lili decia John, John, John. Yo no sabia porque Lili estaba diciendo el nombre de John. Cuando le estaba por poner los pantalones me di cuenta que le habia puesto la ropa de John. Por eso es que ella me decia John. Me empeze a reir tanto. No lo podia creer. Siento como que mi cerebro se esta muriendo desde que soy mama (ja,ja,ja). Aqui hay una foto.

Happy Friend's Day/Feliz dia del Amigo

Today it is friend's day in Argentina that is why I want to take a moment to say HAPPY FRIEND'S DAY to all my friends wherever you are from and wherever you are right now. I hope you all have a great day. Thank you for your friendship. I love you all.

Hoy es el dia del Amigo en Argentina y por eso quiero tomar un momento para decir FELIZ DIA DEL AMIGO a todos mis amigos de donde sean y donde sea que esten en este momento. Espero que tengan un dia buenisimo. Gracias por la amistad que me brindan. Los amo a todos.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lili's prayer/La oracion de Lili

While I was writting the last post about my friend's visit, Lili came to my room and got in my bed. I told her she could stay for just a little bit. She brought a couple of books and her baby doll with her. She sat next to me and watched what I was doing. After a couple of minutes Lili folded her arms and started to say a prayer. The only thing I understood she said was papa, mama, Lili, John and Amen. After she was done she made me fold my arms, made sure I had my eyes closed and then said another prayer. I guess I can say that this is the first time Lili said a prayer. I just Love Lili so much. This made me think that she really pays attention to the things I do and say. I hope I can be a good mother for her.

Mientras estaba escribiendo la ultima nota sobre la visita de mi amiga, Lili vino a mi habitacion y se metio en mi cama. Le dije que se podia quedar solo por un ratito. Ella se trajo un par de libros y su bebote, se sento al lado mio y miraba lo que yo estaba haciendo. Despues de un ratito lili cruzo sus brasos y empezo a orar. La unica cosas que entendi que dijo fue papa, mama, Lili John y Amen. Despues de que termino me hizo que yo cruzara los brazos, se aseguro de que yo tuviera los ojos cerrados y despues dijo otra oracion. Me supongo que puedo decir que esta es la primera vez que Lili dice una oracion. Amo tanto a Lili. Esto me hizo pensar de que ella presta atencion a las cosas que yo hago y digo. Espero que yo pueda ser una buena madre para ella.

A good day/Un buen dia

Today I got together with a friend I haven't seen for a long time. Her name is Tamara and she is from Argentina. We know each other from Argentina. She came to my house with her baby Dallas. We had a really good time talking and eating pasta. She is amazing! Thank you Tamara for coming to my house. Here is a picture of Lili and Dallas. I actually have to tell you why I took this picture. Dallas was asleep in John's crib. He woke up but he was doing fine in the crib. Tamara was getting some things for me out of her car and I went to help her. Lili wanted to come outside with me so I told her to go watch Dallas for a minute so she wouldn't come outside. When Tamara and I went back inside the house, I found Lili inside the crib trying to give Dallas a bottle of milk. Lili you are so CUTE!!!

Hoy me junte con una amiga que hacia mucho que no veia. Ella se llama Tamara y es de Argentina. Nos conocemos de Argentina. Ella vino a mi casa con su bebe Dallas. La pasamos re bien hablando y comiendo unos fideos. Ella es buenisima. Gracias Tamara por venir a mi casa. Aqui hay una foto de Lili y Dallas pero les voy a contar porque saque esta foto. Dallas estaba durmiendo en la cuna de John. Despues se desperto pero estaba tranquilo solito en la cuna. Tamara fue hasta su coche a bajar unas cosas y yo la fui a ayudar. Lili quiso venir conmigo asi que le dije que fuera a cuidar a Dallas por un minuto asi ella no venia afuera. Cuando Tamara y yo volvimos adentro encontre a Lili adentro de la cuna tratando de darle una mamadera a Dallas. Lili sos tan Linda!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday Night/Viernes a la noche

What a night!!! It was 11:00 pm and I was trying to get John to sleep while Lili was in her witch outfit, wearing my socks that she put on while I was with John and she was riding her tricycle around inside the house. When I saw Lili, I ran to get the camera to take a picture. Here it is. Enjoy it!

Que noche!! Eran las 11:00 de la noche y yo estaba tratando de hacer dormir a John mientras que Lili tenia puesto su traje de bruja, tenia puesta mis medias que se las puso mientras yo estaba con John y tambien estaba andando en su triciclo adentro de la casa. Cuando la vi corri a buscar la camara para sacar una foto. Aqui esta. Disfrutenla!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Ok, Do you remember I told you it snowed in Argentina?. I just got an e-mail from a friend that sent me some pitures of the Argentine Temple from that day that snowed. I just started to cry. I needed to show them to everyone. Enjoy them! Thanks Elina for those beautiful pictures

Bueno se acuerdan que les dije que nevo en Argentina?. Justo recien recibi un e-mail de una amiga que me mando unas fotos del templo de Argentina de esa dia de la nevada. Cuando las vi empeze a llorar. Las pongo aqui para que las veas porque necesitaba mostrarselas a todos. Disfrutenlas! Gracias Elina por esas hermosas fotos

Monday, July 9, 2007

A dream come true/Un sueno hecho realidad

For those who don't know, right now, it is winter in Argentina. Well today my childhood dream came true. It snowed in my parents’ house. Yes, you heard me. I can't believe it. Growing up I’ve always dreamt of getting up and seeing snow outside. My parents had the honor to see that today. I'm so sad I wasn't able to be there to witness that. It also snowed in other parts of the country where it never snows. What a day!

Para aquellos que no saben, en este momento, es invierno en Argentina. Bueno hoy mi sueno de la infancia se hizo realidad. Nevo en la casa de mis padres. Si, lo que escucharon. No lo puedo creer. Cuando era chica siempre tenia el sueno de despertarme y ver nieve afuera. Hoy mis padres tuvieron el honor de presenciar eso. Estoy tan triste que yo no pude estar ahi para presenciarlo. Tambien nevo en otras partes del paise donde nunca nieva. Que dia!!

Happy Argentine Independence Day/Feliz dia de la Independencia Argentina

Today it is Argentina's independence day. Also it is my grandfather's birthday (my mom's dad). HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARGENTINA!!!. Here is a picture of the Argentine Flag.

Hoy es el dia de la independencia Argentina. Tambien es el cumpleanos de mi abuelo(el papa de mi mama). FELIZ CUMPLE ABUELO Y FELIZ CUMPLE ARGENTINA!!!. Aqui puse una foto de la bandera Argentina.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Family reunions/Reunion de Familias

Today it was a long, crazy, fun day. We had a family reunion at noon for Colleen's side of the family wich was up in Eden at the church bowery. It was really nice not having to drive far away since we had the other reunion for Doug's side of the family at 7:00 pm at Ann's house in Layton (Mac's Cousin). That made it posible for me to relax a little bit in between parties. At Colleen's family reunion we had lunch and played a lot of fun games. Lili enjoyed it very much and ate a lot of candy. John just kept smiling at everyone. For Doug's family reunion we had a pot luck dinner and a band called "Dark Horse" that played music during the reunion. People were dancing and having such a great time. They were both so much fun. I'm so glad I didn't miss the reunions.

Hoy fue un dia largo, loco y divertido. Tuvimos una reunion familiar al mediodia de parte de la familia de Colleen que se hizo en Eden, en el quincho de la capilla. La verdad es que fue bueno que no tuvimos que manejar lejos ya que tuvimos la otra reunion de parte de la familia de Doug a las 7:00 de la noche en la casa de Ann, la prima de Mac, en Layton. Eso hizo posible de que me pudiera relajar un poquito entre medio de las fiestas. En la fiesta de la familia de Colleen tuvimos un almuerzo y jugamos a un monton de juegos re divertidos. Lili lo disfruto mucho y comio un monton de golosinas. John no paraba de sonreir a todo el mundo. Para la fiesta de la familia de Doug tuvimos una una cena donde todos trajeron algo para compartir y tuvimos una banda que toco musica que se llama "Caballo obscuro". Todos estuvieron bailando y pasando un momento re lindo. Las fiestas estuvieron muy buenas. Estoy re contenta de que pude ir a las dos.

Friday, July 6, 2007

John's spit up/El vomito de John

Today I was taking some pictures of John and he was talking so much that I decided to record him with my photo camera and this is what I got. Here are some pictures of him and two videos. In one of them you can see how he was talking and the other one......you'll see.

Hoy estaba sacando unas fotos a John y el estaba hablando tanto que decidi grabarlo con la camara de foto y esto es lo que grabe. Aca hay algunas fotos de el y dos videos. En uno van a ver como habla y en el otro....ya veran lo que pasa.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A hot day at the pool/Un dia caluroso en la pileta

Finally we went swimming for the first time this year. We went to the Brigham City Pool. I went with Lili, John, Carly and Farrah. There we met with Holly and her kids, Nate (Carly's husband) and Adam and Natalie ( Nate's siblings). At first Lili wasn't very happy because she slept all the way to the pool and when we got there I had to wake her up. But once she got in the water and spent some time with Analyn she didn't want to get out. This was the first time we took John to the pool and he loved it. I brought him with me into the water and he started to move his feet around. What a fun time we had at the pool!! They have a big water slide and I decided to try it out and it was so much fun. This was the first time I went on one and it was really cool.

Finalmente hoy fuimos a nadar por primera vez este verano. Fuimos a la pileta de Brigham City. Yo fui con Lili, John, Carly y Farrah. Alli nos encontramos con Holly y sus hijos y con Nate (el esposo de Carly), Adam y Natalie (los hermanos de Nate). Al principio Lili no estaba muy contenta que digamos porque se durmio durante el viaje y cuando llegamos la tuve que despertar. Pero una vez que se metio al agua con Analyn no queria salir. Esta es la primera vez que llevamos a John a la pileta y le encanto. Lo traje al agua conmigo y empezo a patalear. Que lindo dia que pasamos en la pileta. Ahi tambien tienen un tobogan de agua enorme y decidi tirarme y fue buenisimo. Esta fue la primera vez que me tire en uno de esos y estuvo espectacular.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July/Feliz 4 de Julio

Today we had a wonderful day in Eden where Mac's parents live. In the morning we had the primnary parade where Lili and John were part of it. Also Farrah (Carly's daughter), Emma, Lindsey and Christian (Nikki's kids) were there. After that, we went to the Huntsville parade where Lili slept in the stroller pretty much the whole time. This year we didn't go to see the fireworks but we hope to see them next year. Today was a really fun day. I love the 4th of July. It reminds me of New Years Eve in Argentina because it is hot, there are parties going on and there are fireworks.

Hoy pasamos un dia hermoso en Eden en donde los padres de Mac viven. A la manana tuvimos un defile de los chicos en la cual Lili y John participaron. Tambien estaba Farrah (la hija de Carly), Emma, Lindsey y Christian (los hijos de Nikki). Despues de ahi fuimos al desfile de Huntsville donde Lili durmio casi todo el tiempo en el carrito. Este ano no fuimos a ver los fuegos artificiales pero esperamos verlos el ano que viene. Hoy fue un dia muy divertido. Me encanta el 4 de Julio porque me hace acordar de fin de ano en Argentina porque hace calor, hay fiestas y hay fuegos artificiales.

Lili before the primary parade. We couldn’t get her to smile.
Lili antes de irnos al desfile de chicos. No la podiamos hacer sonreir.

At the primary parade Lili rode her tricycle and John rode in the double stroller with Farrah
En el desfile Lili fue en su triciclo y John fue en el carrito doble con Farrah

Lili did really good in her tricycle but sometimes she needed a little bit of help and so I had to push her so that we could catch up with Colleen that was pushing John and Farrah in the stroller.
Lili manejo muy bien en su triciclo pero debes en cuando necesitaba un poquito de ayuda asi que la tuve que empujar para poder alcanzar a Colleen que estaba empujando a John y Farrah en el carrito

John at the end of the parade
John al final del desfile

At the Huntsville parade John was having so much fun while Lili was asleep in the stroller
En el desfile de Huntsville John la estaba pasando muy bien mientras que Lili dormia en el carrito

Happy 4th of July!!
Feliz 4 de Julio!!

Monday, July 2, 2007


John has been getting kind of tired of being in the swing and the bouncer lately. So today I decided it was time to get the ExcerSaucer out of the box and set it up for him. We bought it when Lili was around 6 months and she really enjoyed it. It looks like John is enjoying it very much too. Here are some pictures of John and Lili after I put John in it for the first time.

Ultimamente John se ha cansado de estar siempre en la sillita/amaca asi que hoy decidi sacar de la caja el Excersaucer y armarlo para el. Lo compramos cuando Lili tenia alrededor de 6 meses y le encanto. Parece que a John tambien le gusta mucho. Aqui hay algunas fotos de John y Lili despues de que lo puse a John en el ExcerSaucer por primera vez.

Of course Lili needed to show John how to work this thing

Por supuesto Lili tenia que mostrarle como funciona

I think in this last one Lili is trying to tell John that it is her turn now (ha ha ha)

Me parece que en esta ultima foto Lili le esta tratando de decir a John que es el turno de ella ahora (ja ja ja)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Getting Started/Empezando

Me and Lili

Mac and Lili


I finally decided it was time to start my own blog. I've wanted to do it for a long time but I just never sat down to do it. Carly, my sister-in-law, is the one that got me into it. She has the best blog. She is so creative!!! I don't think I'll have it as cute as hers but I'll try my best to update my blog once in a while so you know what is happening in our family. I really don't know where to start. I have so many things I'll like to write that I don't know what to say first. I guess I'll start by saying that I love my little family.

Finalmente he decidido que ya era tiempo de empezar mi propia pagina de internet. He querido hacer esto por bastante tiempo pero nunca me he sentado a hacerlo. Mi cunada Carly es la que me motivo a hacerlo. Ella tiene su propia pagina y es re linda. No creo que la mia va a ser tan linda como la de ella pero voy a hacer lo posible para ir poniendo nueva informacion sobre los acontecimientos de nuestra familia. Realmente no se por donde empezar. Hay tantas cosas que me gustaria escribir que no se que decir primero. Pero voy a empezar por decir que amo a mi familia.