Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese's

Today my mom and I took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's to play. Lili and John really enjoyed it. Samuel slept the whole time. Let me tell you something that happened while we were there. Lili was playing in the humongous-jungle-gym-maze thing just fine but then some kids came running and screaming and she got really scared and started to cry. I told her to come down but she was afraid. I finally asked a person who works there if I could go up there to get Lili and she said yes. Let's just say that I was actually really excited to go get her. I always wanted to play in one of those things so I went up there and my mom couldn't help laughing at the sight of me climbing through the plastic tunnels and traping over the sythetic rope bridges. I finally got to Lili and we both got out of there. It was fun! That was the adventure for the day. I wish I would have had my camara but I forgot it at home.

Hoy mi mama y yo llevamos a los chicos a Chuck E Cheese's (un lugar de juegos para chicos). Lili y John lo pasaron re bien. Samuel durmio todo el tiempo. Dejenme contarles algo que paso. Lili estaba jugando en el pelotero re bien hasta que unos chicos vinieron corriendo y gritando. Lili se asusto y empezo a llorar. Le dije que bajara pero ella tenia miedo. Finalmente le pregunte a una de las chicas que trabaja ahi si yo podia subir a buscar a Lili que estaba llorando y me dijo que si. Les digo que yo estaba re contenta porque siempre queria jugar en uno de esos. Asi que me subi a buscar a Lili mientras mi mama se reia viendome subir. La verdad es que fue divertido. Esa fue nuestra aventura del dia. Me hubiera encantado tener mi camara pero me la olvide en casa.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a brave outing. I bet the kids had a fun time. I bet you felt like a kid again. Can't wait to see you all this weekend.
Love Mom

Nikki said...

You're so funny Priscila! Aaron had to go up there once to get one of the kids. It did look pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

mis muy queridos mac y priscila es una alegria muy grande ver vuestras imagenes sus bebes son preciosos el abulo dice lo mismo por favor que tengas 6 hijos mas jajajajajajajaja los queremos con toda el alma la abuela nada el abuelo todo jajajajajajaja. los abuelos sergio y eleonora. pd: no manden dolares que el euro esta de moda jajajajajajajaja besos a liliana

Chris and Linda said...

That is hilarious! What a scream! I had a similar experience when I was big pregnant with Logan I got to go climbing through one of those to get Porter with a big belly, it was ... interesting. Sounds like your doing great!! :o) Glad to hear about your fun stuff!!

Belkycita said...

Que comico. Elenita se quedo atrapada en uno de esos cuando yo tenia 8 meses y medio de embarazo y cuando me empeze a montar un senora vino corriendo yme dijo, No, te vas a quedar atrapada tu tambien!

Tu nene esta bellisimo. Cuidate mucho ,besos.