Coca Cola?
I have to write this because it is too good to pass up. Today when we were eating dinner at home we had a Coke bottle on the table and Lili asked what it was and we said: "Coca Cola." Lili then said... "ah! Coca Cola." Then she thought for a minute and repeated with a sour look on her face: "Coca COLA?" And we laughed so hard that we couldn't stop. Now let me tell you why this is funny. "Cola" in Spanish means butt so you can imagine why she repeated it with a question mark and the confusion she had in her mind. We love you Lili.
Tengo que escribir esto porque esta muy bueno para no escribirlo. Hoy cuando estabamos cenando en casa teniamos una botella de Coca Cola en la mesa y Lili nos pregunto que era y le dijimos que era Coca Cola. Lili entonces dijo:- Ah! Coca Cola. Pero despues se quedo pensando y volvio a decir con cara de asco:- Coca COLA? Ella sabe muy bien lo que es la "cola" asi que se pueden imaginar la confusion que tenia en su cabeza. Nos reimos tanto que no podiamos parar de reirnos. Te amamos Lili.
Ha ha ha! How funny!!! I have to admit I've got a bit of an addiction to diet coca butt.
That's hilarious! I miss Lily! I can imagine her voice and face saying it!
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