Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sleep Over / Durmiendo En Casa

Today it was Lorena and Nelson's 8th anniversary so Melanie and Axel slept over at our house. We watched Peter Pan and after the movie they all went to sleep on a mattress in the living room. Axel was the first one to fall asleep then Melanie, and of course Lili didn't want to go to sleep. Finally we made her go to sleep. The next morning we woke up and had breakfast. Lorena came to pick them up later. It was really fun!

Hoy fue el 8vo aniversario de casados de Lorena y Nelson asi que Melanie y Axel se quedaron a dormir en casa. Miramos la pelicula de Peter Pan y despues se fueron a dormir en un colchon que les puse en el living. Axel fue el primero que se durmio, despues fue Melanie y por supuesto Lili no se queria ir a dormir. Finalmente la hicimos dormir. A la manana siguiente nos despertamos, tomamos el desayuno y Lorena los vino a buscar mas tarde. La pasamos re bien!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

1 Year Old / 1 Año

John turned 1 today. I can't believe it!! Time flies!! Yesterday we had a birthday party for him. We had some family and friends over at our house. We had some food and a birthday cake. Jorgelina and I stayed up until really late finishing the cake. The kids loved the piñata. Today we went to the Saez's house whose son turned 2 on the same day. There we had some hamburgers and cake. John dug his hand in the cake and was licking the chocolate frosting from his hands. He loved it!
Hoy John cumplio 1 año. No lo puedo creer!! Como pasa el tiempo!!. Ayer tuvimos una fiesta de cumpleaños. Tuvimos unos amigos y familia en nuestra casa. Tuvimos comida y una torta de cumpleaños. Jorgelina y yo nos quedamos despiertas hasta re tarde terminando la torta. A los chicos les encanto la piñata. Hoy fuimos a la casa de los Saez porque su hijo tambien cumplio 2 años en el mismo dia. Comimos unas hamburguesas y torta. John metio su mano en la torta y despues se chupo el chocolate de su mano y le encanto!!

Either John has a big head or the hat was too small. O la cabeza de John es muy grande o el sombrero muy chico.

John pretending to talk on the phone at the Saez's. John haciendo que hablaba por telefono en la casa de los Saez.

Happy Birthday John!! WE LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!! Feliz Cumpleanos John!!!! TE AMAMOS MUCHO, MUCHO, MUCHO!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Gaucho / Mi Gaucho

This is Mac dressed as a Gaucho. He had a poetry reading at BYU that he signed up for where he recited two poems in Spanish. He chose 2 from Atahualpa Yupanqui who is an Argentine writer/singer. He did really GOOD! He even sang some parts of the poems. Good job Mac! I'm so proud of you!
Este es Mac disfrazado de Gaucho. El tuvo una presentacion en BYU en la cual se anoto donde recito 2 poemas en Español. El eligio 2 de Atahualpa Yupanqui quien es un escritor/cantante Argentino. Lo hizo re BIEN! Hasta canto partes de los poemas. Muy bien Mac! Estoy tan orgullosa de vos!

After the show we took some pictures and went home so that Mac could change his clothes. Mac, Jorgelina, Lili, John and I went to Fazoli's for dinner. After Fazoli's we went to Cold Stone to get some ice cream.
Despues de la presentacion nos sacamos unas fotos y nos fuimos a casa para que Mac se cambiara la ropa. Mac, Jorgelina, Lili, John y yo nos fuimos a comer a Fazoli's. Despues de Fazoli's nos fuimos a Cold Stone a tomar un helado.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tabernacle Choir / Coro Del Tabernaculo

Today Jorgelina and I went to see the Tabernacle Choir rehersal. This is the first time that I've gone to one of their rehersals. I've gone to the Music and Spoken Word before that they have every Sunday but never to the rehersal on Thursdays. I really enjoyed it. I should do that more often. It is so relaxing and such great music. After the rehersal was over, we met Aaron Dalton who sings in the Tabernable Choir and served his mission in Argentina 15 years ago. We talked to him outside for like an hour. That day it was so cold that by the time Jorgelina and I got in the car our toes were frozen. They actually hurt so bad that I had to turn the heater on and take my boot off and put my feet next to the heater. Seriously it hurt. Jorgelina took that picture of me trying to warm up my toes so that I could drive. Going back to Aaron, he actually spent the last Christmas of his mission in Argentina with my family along with his father who was there to pick him up. It was so good to see him again after so many years.

Hoy Jorgelina y yo fuimos a ver la practica del Coro del Tabernaculo. Esta fue la primera vez que fui a una de sus practicas. He ido a The Music and Spoken word antes que tienen cada Domingo pero nunca a sus practicas que son los Jueves. Me re gusto. La verdad es que tendria que ir mas seguido. Es tan relajante y una musica buenisima. Despues de que ternmino la practica, nos encontramos con Aaron Dalton que canta en el Coro del Tabernaculo y que sirvio su mision en Argentina hace 15 años atras. Hablamos con el afuera por como 1 hora. Ese dia hacia tanto frio que para cuando Jorgelina y yo nos subimos al coche nuestros dedos del pie estaban congelados. Me dolian tanto los dedos porque ya era dolor en vez de frio lo que sentia que prendi la calefaccion del auto y me tuve que sacar las botas y poner mi pie contra la calefaccion. En verdad dolia. Jorgelina saco esta foto mia tratando de calentar mi pie contra la calefaccion. Volviendo a Aaron, el paso su ultima navidad como misionero en Argentina con mi familia y su papa que habia ido a buscarlo a Argentina. Fue tan lindo volver a verlo despues de tantos años.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's A Boy / Es Un Varon

Today we found out that we are having a BOY! It was really a surprise to me. I was convinced that I was having a girl. But of course I'm really happy about having another boy. Lili was kind of sad, though, because she has been saying that she wanted a girl, that she wanted a 'Lili'. Well, now you all know. I'll post the ultrasound pictures as soon as I get them scanned.

Hoy nos enteramos que vamos a tener un VARON! Fue una gran sorpresa para mi . Estaba convencida de que hiba a tener una nena. Pero por supuesto estoy re feliz de que vamos a tener otro varon. Lili estaba un poco triste porque ella decia que queria una nena, que queria una Lili. Bueno ahora ya saben. Pondre las fotos de la ecografia cuando las pase por la escaner.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

20 Weeks / 20 Semanas

This is not a very good picture but it's me at 20 weeks.
Esta no es una muy buena foto pero soy yo de 20 semanas.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Bubbles / Burbujas

Today John discovered how to make spit bubbles with his mouth. He was really happy and was really enjoying it. You can see how concentrated he was on making the biggest bubble possible.

Hoy John descubrio como hacer burbujas con su propia boca. Estaba muy feliz y disfrutandolo mucho. Aca pueden ver lo concentrado que estaba en hacer la burbuja mas grande posible.

Curious George / Curioso Jorge

Back in October we saw on TV that they were having a Reading Marathon. You were supposed to read to your child a certain amount of hours for 3 weeks and complete a form that said the hours you read to your child. If you completed the hours, you could send the form to KUED and they would send you an invitation to meet Curious George at the KUED Reading Marathon Party. So that's what we did and got the invitation. The reason I did it is because Lili LOVES Curious George. On January 5th we went to the party, which was at the Utah State Fair Park in Salt Lake City. Sidra and her kids did it too so we all went together. Lili was really excited to meet George. When we got there they gave the girls each a sack to put the things that they would collect from the party. There were different kinds of booths and they all had a theme like 'George is curious about dogs' and so at the booth they had real dogs that the kids could pet and they gave the kids a stuffed animal dog to take home. They also had different kinds of shows like the one with a magician. We had to wait in a line to be able to meet George. Luckly we got in line early so we didn't have to wait for a long time. When we got to meet George, Lili ran up to him and gave him a big hug. We took pictures and then we went to see the different booths. The girls loved it and had a lot of fun. They also got a free book of their choice and of course Lili chose a Curious George book. Here is a video of the moment Lili met George and a slide show of the pictures from that day.

En Octubre del 2007 vimos en la tele un aviso que estaban teniendo una Maraton de Lectura. Uno tenia que leer a su hijo cierta cantidad de horas por 3 semanas y completar un papel con las horas que uno leyo a su hijo. Si completabas las horas, podias mandar el papel a KUED (el canal de television) y ellos te mandarian una invitacion para conocer a Curioso Jorge en la fiesta de Maraton de Lectura de KUED. Asi que eso es lo que hicimos y recibimos la invitacion. La razon porque lo hice es porque a Lili LE ENCANTA Curioso Jorge. El 5 de Enero de este año fuimos a la fiesta que se hizo en el Utah State Fair Park en Salt Lake City. Sidra y sus hijas lo hicieron tambien asi que fuimos todas juntas. Lili estaba re entusiasmada de conocer a Jorge. Cuando llegamos ahi les dieron a las chicas una bolsa a cada una para poner las cosas que colectaran de la fiesta. Habian diferentes tipos de stands y todos tenian diferentes temas como por ejemplo "Jorge tiene curiosidad por los perros" entonces en el stand tenian perros de verdad que los chicos podian tocar y acariciar. Tambien en ese stand les regalaban a cada chico un perro de peluche. Tambien tenian diferentes tipos de show como por ejemplo uno era de magia. Tuvimos que esperar en una fila para poder conocer a Jorge. Afortunadamente nos pusimos en la linea temprano asi que no tuvimos que esperar mucho. Cuando llego nuestro turno, Lili corrio hacia Jorge y le dio un gran abrazo. Sacamos fotos y despues nos fuimos a ver los diferentes stands. Las chicas se divirtieron mucho y les encanto. Tambien recibieron un libro gratis que ellas podian elegir y por supuesto Lili eligio uno de Curioso Jorge. Aqui hay un video del momento que Lili conocio a Jorge y unas fotos de ese dia.

New Year's Day / Año Nuevo

2007 is now over and we welcome 2008. On New Year's Eve we went to some friends' house where again we had an Argentine Barbecue. Yummy, yummy! We went home at 2:00 am. John and Lili didn't fall asleep until we got home. The first picture is from that day. Don't worry I was just joking and besides it was alcohol free. The other two pictures are from New Year's Day. We had some family and friends over and had some ravioles with homemade spaghetti sauce and some desserts. We had a great time both on New Year's Day and the night before. Happy New Year to everyone!

2007 ya se fue y damos la bienvenida a 2008. Para el 31 de Diciembre fuimos a la casa de unos amigos donde denuevo tuvimos un Asado Argentino. Rico, rico! Nos volvimos a casa a las 2:00 am. John y Lili no se fueron a dormir hasta que llegamos a casa. La primera foto es de ese dia. No se preocupen solo estaba haciendo una broma y ademas la sidra era sin alcohol. Las otras dos fotos son de Año Nuevo. Tuvimos familia y amigos que vieniero a casa y comimos ravioles con una salsa casera y unos ricos postres. La pasamos re bien los dos dias, Año Nuevo y el 31. Feliz Año Nuevo para todos!

In The Morning / A La Mañana

This is from December 31st, 2007. When John woke up that morning and I went into his room this is how he was. I have no idea how he took his pants off and how he pulled up his shirt. He was as happy as he could be.

Esto es del 31 de Diciembre del 2007. Cuando John se desperto esa mañana, fui a su habitacion y asi es como lo encontre. No tengo ni idea como hizo para sacarse los pantalones y y la parte de arriba. El estaba re feliz.

Christmas 2007 / Navidad Del 2007

Christmas is here! Merry Christmas to all! We had a good Christmas this year. We celebrated Christmas Eve the Argentine way with family and friends. We had an Asado (Argentine barbeque). I know a barbeque on Christmas Eve sounds crazy, especially when you consider how it was snowing. Luckly it hadn't started snowing yet when it was time to start the barbeque at 7:00 pm. We started eating at 9:00 pm. After eating we had a family home evening where we talked about the birth of Jesus Christ. Then we had some wonderful desserts. At this time it was almost 12:00 am so we got the sparkling cider and had a toast right at 12:00 am. Everybody left by 2:00 am. John went to sleep early at around 8:30 pm. He was really tired. I can't believe that he didn't wake up at all since the kitchen is right next to his bedroom and we were making noises and talking the whole night. Lili on the other hand stayed up until 1:40 am. She fell asleep on the couch with Axel. She was so tired that she didn't even wake up after falling from the couch and she even kept sleeping on the floor. We had a great time. The next morning we woke up at 9:00 am. Let's just say the kids woke us up. We opened presents and had breakfast. It was so fun seeing Lili open her presents. This was the first year that we have noticed her showing excitement when opening her presents. John just played with the wrapping paper. Later that day we had a wonderfull dinner with our cousins Scott and Sidra. Here are some pictures.

Llego la Navidad! Feliz Navidad para todos! Este año tuvimos una buena Navidad. Pasamos una Noche Buena al estilo Argentin0 con familia y amigos. Hicimos un Asado Argentino. Ya se que un asado suena medio loco en pleno Diciembre cuando estamos en pleno invierno especialmente cuando estaba nevando. Por suerte no nevo cuando era tiempo de empezar a cocinar el asado a las 7:00 de la noche. Empezamos a comer a las 9:00 pm. Despues de comer tuvimos una noche de hogar donde hablamos sobre el nacimiento de Jesucristo. Despues comimos unos postres riquisimos. Para este entonces faltaban solo unos minutos para las 12:00 de la noche asi que hagarramos la sidra (sin alcohol) y brindamos justo a las 12:00. Todos se fueron a las 2:00 de la mañana. John se fue a dormir temprano esa noche (8:30 pm) porque estaba muy cansado. No puedo creer que no se desperto en ningun momento ya que la cocina esta al lado de su habitacion y nosotros estabamos haciendo ruido y hablando todo el tiempo. Lili fue todo lo contrario. Ella se quedo despierta hasta la 1:40 am. Se quedo dormida en el sillon con Axel. Ella estaba tan cansada que en un momento se cayo del sillon y asi como cayo siguio durmiendo en el piso y ni se desperto. La verdad es que la pasamos muy bien. Al dia siguiente nos levantamos a las 9:00 am. Mejor dicho nos despertaron los chicos. Abrimos los regalos y despues desayunamos. Fue tan lindo ver a Lili abrir los regalos. Es la primera Navidad donde ella demostro entusiasmo abriendo los regalos. John solo jugaba con el papel. Ese mismo dia mas tarde fuimos a comer a la casa de nuestros primos Scott y Sidra donde tuvimos una cena riquisima. Aqui hay algunas fotos.

Jorgelina Is Here / Llego Jorgelina

On December 28th, 2007 my friend Jorgelina came to visit all the way from Argentina. Me, Lili, John and her brother Sebastian, who is studing English at the ELC at BYU, went to pick her up at the airport. Her flight was on time but she was nowhere to be found! After waiting for almost an hour, I went to the Delta desk to see what was going on and to see if they could give me some information. The Delta attendant told me that Jorgelina was on a different flight that was to arrive in 10 minutes and so I thanked him and went to wait for Jorgelina. As I finished talking to this attendant and as I'm walking away, Lili says to him, in Spanish: 'Chau, Chau Papa Noel' which in English is 'Bye, Bye Santa Claus'. I started to laugh. I don't think the attendant knew what Lili was saying and besides, we weren't next to him when she said it. Now this attendant was an old man who had white hair and a white beard. And ever since we went on the Polar Express (see entry 'Polar Express') and Lili saw Santa, whenever she sees a man with white hair and a white beard she thinks he is Santa Claus. Anyway, going back to Jorgelina, she finally arrived at around noon. What happened was that she missed her flight in Atlanta and so they had to put her on the next flight coming to Utah. She is staying in my house. I'm so excited to have her here. She is leaving on January 31st, 2008. Here is a picture of her.

El 28 de Diciembre del 2007 mi amiga Jorgelina que es de Argentina vino de visita desde Argentina. Lili, John, Sebastian (el hermano de Jorgelina que esta aca estudiando Ingles en el ELC de BYU), y yo fuimos a buscarla al aeropuerto. El avion en el que ella venia llego pero ella no estaba en ese vuelo. Despues de haber estado esperando por casi 1 hora, fui hasta el escritorio de Delta para ver que paso y ver si me podian dar alguna informacion. El hombre de Delta me dijo que ella venia en otro vuelo y que estaba por llegar en 10 minutos asi que le dije gracias y me fui a esperar por Jorgelina. Cuando termine de hablar me di vuelta para irme y mientras estaba caminando, Lili le dijo al hombre en Español:- Chau, Chau Papa Noel. Me dio tanta risa que me empeze a reir. Por supuesto que el hombre ni se dio cuenta de lo que Lili dijo porque tampoco estabamos cerca de el cuando ella dijo eso. Este hombre tenia pelo blanco y una barba blanca y desde que fuimos al Expreso Polar y Lili vio a Papa Noel, ella se piensa que todos los hombres con pelo blanco y barba blanca son Papa Noel. Volviendo al tema de Jorgelina finalmente llego. Lo que paso es que ella perdio su vuelo en Atlanta entonces la tuvieron que poner en el proximo vuelo que venia para Utah. Ella se va a estar quedando en mi casa. Estoy re contenta de tenerla aca. Ella se vuelve a Argentina el 31 de Enero del 2008. Aca hay una foto de ella.

Bath Time / A Bañarse

Mac took this picture of John on December 23rd, 2007. John loves taking baths!
Mac saco esta foto de John el 23 de Diciembre del 2007. A John le encanta banarse!

Veronica's Bridal Shower / Despedida De Soltera De Veronica

On December 15th, 2007 I threw a bridal shower for my friend Veronica who got married on January 5th, 2008 to Orlando. Everybody had a great time and we ate really yummy food. Thanks to Veronica's sister Ursula, and friend Adriana, for helping me put the bridal shower together. Congratulations to Veronica and Orlando and I wish you both the best in the life you're starting together. I'll post some pictures of their wedding when I get them. I was not able to attend the wedding because they got married in Pennsylvania

El 15 de Diciembre del 2007 hice una despedida de soltera para mi amiga Veronica que se caso con Orlando el 5 de Enero de 2008. La pasamos re bien y comimos una cositas muy ricas. Gracias Ursula y Adriana por ayudarme con la preparacion de la fiesta. Felicitaciones Veronica y Orlando y les deseo lo mejor en esta nueva vida que inician justos. Pondre fotos de la boda cuando las obtenga. No pude ir al casamiento porque se casaron en Pennsylvania.

Polar Express / Expreso Polar

On December 12, 2007, Grandpa and Grandma Wilson took the entire family on the "Polar Express" in Heber (the Heber Creeper with elves and St. Nick). It was a really cold day, but luckily it was warm inside the train. All of the grandkids wore their pajamas just like in the movie. The kids really loved it and they had a lot of fun. Lili was really excited to see Santa. On the train they gave us hot chocolate and cookies. We had a great time together as a family. Thanks Doug and Colleen for such a great memory.

El 12 de Diciembre del 2007 el abuelo y la abuela Wilson llevaron a toda la familia al "Expreso Polar" en Heber. Hizo mucho frio ese dia pero por suerte estaba calentito adentro del tren. Todos los chicos tenian puestos sus pijamas como en la pelicula. A los chicos les encanto y se divirtieron mucho. Lili estaba re entusiasmada de ver a Papa Noel. En el tren nos sirvieron chocolatada caliente y una galletita. La pasamos re bien justos como familia. Gracias Doug y Colleen por este gran recuerdo.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two Teeth / Dos Dientes

On December 4th, 2007 John got his second tooth on the bottom. Sorry I don't have a picture but I wanted to record this event.
El 4 de diciembre le salio el segundo dientito de abajo a John. Perdon que no tengo fotos pero queria dejar esto acentado.

November 2007 / Noviembre del 2007

There wasn't much going on in November. So I'm just going to do this single post for the whole month of November and I'm going to write some of the events that took place:
No paso mucho durante el mes de Noviembre asi que voy a poner todo lo que paso en una sola publicacion.

On November 7th John got his first tooth on the bottom. He was really fussy but not because of the tooth but because the same day he started with an ear infection in both ears and a sore throat. He had a really high fever and didn't look too good. Here is a picture of John with a fever of 104.4
El 7 de Noviembre le salio su primer dientito de abajo a John. El estaba bastante molesto pero no por su diente sino que el mismo dia empezo con infeccion en sus dos oidos y con dolor de garganta. Tenia mucha fiebre y se veia re mal. Aqui hay una foto de John con una fiebre de 40.22 grados.

On November 10th it was Lorena's birthday and a group of us girls went to play bowling at BYU and I won 1st place. That night we went to Lorena's house for some yummy food and cake. Happy Birthday Lorena!
El 10 de Noviembre fue el cumpleaños de Lorena y con un gruo de chicas fuios a jugar al bowling a BYU en la cual sali primera. Esa noche fuimos a la casa de Lorena a comer una comida rica y torta. Feliz Cumple Lorena!

This is a picture that I took of John on November 17th eating a bitter bisquit. I know he is wearing one of Lili's bibs but it was the only clean one at that time and the only one big enough to keep his pajamas from getting the bisquit all over them. Also at this time he was already feeling a lot better.
Esta es una foto que saque de John el 17 de Nobviembre comiendo una galletita. Ya se que tiene puesto un babero de Lili pero era el unico limpio en ese momento y el unico lo suficientemente grande para que no se ensuciara sus pijamas. Ya para este entoces el se estaba sintiendo mejor.

We spent Thanksgiving at Doug and Colleen's in Eden. We had a really good time especially with the show the grandkids put on by dressing up and dancing around. I recorded some of it but it is on my camcorder and I still need to get a cable so that I can upload videos to my computer. So in the mean time here are just a couple of pictures. Nelson and his family came up to Eden to spend Thanksgiving with us. The first picture is of Nelson and his family and the other two are of John "playing" the piano. Sorry I don't have any pictures of everyone together from the dinner.
Pasamos El dia de Gracias en la casa de Doug y Colleen en Eden. La pasamos re bien especialmente con el show que pusieron los nietos disfrazandose y bailando. Grabe un poco pero esta en mi filmadora y todavia tengo que comprar el cable para que pueda bajar los videos en la computadora. Asi que mientras tanto aqui hay algunas fotos. Nelson y su familia vienieron a Eden a pasarla con nosotros y la familia de Mac. La primera foto es de Nelson y su familia y las otras dos son de John "tocando" el piano. Perdon que no tengo una foto de todos juntos de la cena.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Halloween 2007

On Halloween we started the day by going to the library to story time. The kids were in their costumes. After the library we came home, had some lunch and went to BYU to take candy to one of the classes that Mac teaches. After that we came home and got ready to go trick-or-treating. We went trick-or-treating at CNL, a apartment complex 2 blocks away from our house where a lot of members from our ward live. After trick-or-treating we stayed there for a party that the ward had organized. We had some hot chocolate and cookies. It was really fun! On our way home walking, Lili fell asleep. We got home and put Lili and John in bed. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I have some family that are from Spain that live in Lindon. They were having a halloween party at their house that night. Mac had a lot of homework to do and since the kids were asleep, he stayed home doing his homework and watching the kids while I went to the party. There was so much food at the party and it was delicious. I had a lot of fun. My Spanish family are really good hosts. They know how to have fun! I love you guys and I'm so glad to have you so close.

Para Halloween comenzamos el dia llendo a la biblioteca a escuchar un cuento. Los chicos tenian puestos sus disfrases. Despues de la biblioteca fuimos a casa, comimos algo y nos fuimos BYU a llevar golosinas a una de las clases que ensena Mac. Despues de ahi nos fuimos a casa y nos preparamos para ir a buscar golosinas a las casas. Fuimos a CNL que es unos de los complejos que queda a 2 cuadras de casa donde muchos de los del barrios viven. Despues de buscar golosinas tuvimos una fiesta ahi mismo que organizo el barrio. Tomamos chocolatada caliente y comimos galletitas. Fue muy lindo! Volviendo a casa caminando, Lili se quedo dormida. Llegamos a casa y pusimos a Lili y John en sus camas. No se si ustedes saben pero tengo familia aca en Utah que son de Espana y ellos viven en Lindon. Ellos estaban teniendo una fiesta de Halloween esa noche en su casa. Mac tenia mucha tarea para hacer y como los chicos se quedaron dormidos, el se quedo en casa haciendo su tarea y cuidando los chicos mientras que yo me fui a la fiesta. Habia un monton de comida y estaba riquisima. Me diverti un monton. Mi familia espanola son muy buenos anfitriones. Ellos saben como divertirse!. Los amo y estoy re contenta de tenerlos tan cerca.

Doughnuts At The Morrises / Dónats Con Los Morrises

On October 27th, 2007 Scott and Sidra had us over for their annual homemade doughnut party. They also invited members from our ward over to their house for some doughnuts and hot chocolate. They were so YUMMY!!! Lili had some but John seemed to like chewing books more (he must take after his dad). Thank you Scott and Sidra for having us over. We can't imagine our life without you guys as our neighbors. We love you!

El 27 de Octubre del 2007, Scott y Sidra nos invitaron a su fiesta anual de dónats caseras. Tambien invitaron a la gente del barrio a su casa para comer las dónats y tomar chocolatada caliente. Todo estuvo muy RICO!!! Lili comio un poquito pero John parecia que le gustaba mas masticar los libros (Debe salir al padre). Gracias Scott y Sidra por invitarnos. La verdad es que no podemos imaginar nuestra vida sin tenerlos a ustedes de vecinos . Los amamos!

Party At The Wilsons / Fiesta Con Los Wilsons

On October 19th, 2007 we had a Halloween/Mac's Birthday party at Mac's parents home in Eden. It was really fun. Lorena and her kids came with us. When we got there we had the kids play outside in their Halloween costumes while we filmed and took pictures. Then came the piñata. After being outside, we went inside the house where we carved pumpkins. Later we had some cake which Colleen had made for Mac's birthday. Right after cake we told Mac's family the news that I was pregnant. Everyone was surprised. We decided to stay over that night and the next day the kids had a lot of fun playing and dressing up. Lili was wearing some cowboy boots that were way too big on her. Later that day we went back home. What a great weekend. Thanks Colleen for the great party!

El 19 de Octubre del 2007 tuvimos una fiesta de Haloween y del cumpleaños de Mac en la casa de los padres de Mac en Eden. La pasamos re bien. Lorena y sus hijos vieneron con nosotros. Cuando llegamos ahi los chicos jugaron afuera mientras que nosotros los filmabamos y sacabamos fotos. Despues tuvimos una piñata. Despues de estar afuera, fuimos adentro de la casa donde esculpimos las calabazas, tuvimos una torta por el cumpleaños de Mac que hizo Colleen y despues le dimos la noticia a la familia de Mac de que yo estaba embarazada. Todos quedaron sorprendidos. Esa noche nos quedamos a dormir ahi. Al dia siguiente los chicos se divirtieron mucho jugando y difrazandose. Lili se puso unas botas de cowboy que eran enormes. Mas tarde volvimos a casa. Que lindo fin de semana que pasamos. Gracias Colleen por la hermosa fiesta!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Something new / Algo Nuevo

These pictures are from October 17th, 2007. When John woke up that morning, I came into the room and this is how I found him. This was the first time he pulled himself up on his knees. I was really excited to see him do something new and he was also amazed at his new accomplishment.

Estas fotos son del 17 de Octubre del 2007. Cuando John se desperto esa manana, vine a su habiacion y asi es como lo encontre. Esta fue la primera vez que se puso en sus rodillas. Estaba re emosionada de verlo hacer algo nuevo y el tambien estaba sorprendido de su logro nuevo.