My Gaucho / Mi Gaucho
This is Mac dressed as a Gaucho. He had a poetry reading at BYU that he signed up for where he recited two poems in Spanish. He chose 2 from Atahualpa Yupanqui who is an Argentine writer/singer. He did really GOOD! He even sang some parts of the poems. Good job Mac! I'm so proud of you!
Este es Mac disfrazado de Gaucho. El tuvo una presentacion en BYU en la cual se anoto donde recito 2 poemas en Español. El eligio 2 de Atahualpa Yupanqui quien es un escritor/cantante Argentino. Lo hizo re BIEN! Hasta canto partes de los poemas. Muy bien Mac! Estoy tan orgullosa de vos!After the show we took some pictures and went home so that Mac could change his clothes. Mac, Jorgelina, Lili, John and I went to Fazoli's for dinner. After Fazoli's we went to Cold Stone to get some ice cream.
Despues de la presentacion nos sacamos unas fotos y nos fuimos a casa para que Mac se cambiara la ropa. Mac, Jorgelina, Lili, John y yo nos fuimos a comer a Fazoli's. Despues de Fazoli's nos fuimos a Cold Stone a tomar un helado.
Way to go Mac!! You'll have to do it again for me!
I say this is family Christmas party material. We will have to have a special Wilson party just so you can perform. I am your mother, you are supposed to let me know when you are doing these talent things. Didn't you learn anything from the 3rd grade talent shows? I am your greatest fan!! cw
Me likey. You should consider this look. You should have worn a zorro mask at your poetry reading so you could look mysterious. I just thought of a laffy taffy joke. What do you call a cowboy that watches television? Answer- A Goucho Potatoe
hola prici, como estan todos??, bueno ya que estamos en la casa de Keviin te dejamos un saludito. espero que anden re bien, y espero que algun dia nos volvamos a ver,:P,, y bueno , los chicos son re lindos y espero que sigan creciendo como hasta ahora que tienen unos padres maravillosos, y bueno te dejo un saludito de parte mia (MeeLiisaa y Leila), y bueno nada, re plaga, bueno esta re linda la pagina, y todos, ah, aca leila me anda diciendo re hincha que ponga nuestros mails, te los paso: MeeLiisaa:
y Leila:,,
papi y mami les mandan un re beso y muchos saluditos, que los quieren mucho,
en todo caso les mandamos muchos mails, jjekajlkajlkjlkaja, y bueno los dejo
MeeLiisaa,, Ley, Daniel, Dan y Adri..
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